Chromized and Dos Treated Aluminium Sheet


Chromized and dos treated aluminium sheet acquires a range of superior properties and characteristics that make the treated stock more suitable for bottle cap production and applications.

chromized and dos treated aluminium sheet

Chromized and dos treated aluminium sheet offer a number of unique advantages.

First of all, chroming treatment can form a uniform and dense chromium oxide layer on the surface of the aluminium sheet. This chromium oxide layer not only effectively prevents the erosion of the aluminum sheet by rain, chemicals and other environmental factors, but also improves the corrosion resistance of the aluminum sheet in corrosive media such as liquor and beverages, which greatly extends the service life of the aluminum sheet. At the same time, because the formation of chromium oxide film is carried out through physical and chemical oxidation reaction, its coverage of the surface of the aluminum sheet uniformity is good, without special mechanical and chemical treatment. In addition, the chroming treatment significantly improves the hardness and abrasion resistance of the aluminum sheet for bottle caps, enhances its impact resistance, and further enhances the performance of the aluminum sheet. In addition, the chromated film improves the abrasion resistance of the cap stock, reducing wear and tear during transportation, storage and use.

Secondly, with DOS treatment of aluminium sheet for bottle caps is aluminum substrate through pre-treatment cleaning, chemical layer and then coated with a layer of DOS oil, (DOS oil is the abbreviation of dioctyl sebacate), DOS treatment of the main role is to prevent oxidation and scratches, DOS oil treatment of the substrate is coated with DOS oil on both sides, the general amount of DOS treatment for the 10-80mg% 2Fm2, which can isolate the aluminum sheet from the air, thus preventing it from rusting and further improving the rustproof ability of the aluminum sheet. At the same time, DOS oil treatment also helps to improve the abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance of the aluminum sheet, so that it can still maintain good performance in complex environments. After DOS oil treatment of the substrate for the next process manufacturers and then slit into sheets and strips and then coated and printed into different specifications to facilitate the subsequent processing of the pre-coated aluminium sheet substrate for the use of the caps factory, DOS oil pre-coated aluminum coil due to the more flexible subsequent processing, the use of a considerable amount.

Combining the effects of chroming treatment and DOS oil treatment, this aluminium sheet for bottle caps not only has excellent corrosion resistance, but also good wear resistance and hardness, which can meet the needs of bottle caps and other components used in complex environments. In addition, this treatment also helps to improve the surface quality of the aluminum sheet, making it more beautiful and durable.

Overall, the chromized and dos treated aluminium sheet has excellent performance performance, which is ideal for making bottle caps and other parts.


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Haomei Aluminum
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