Marine grade aluminium sheet 5083


Marine grade aluminium sheet 5083 are essential for shipbuilding materials, the tempers are H116 and H321, the thickness is 0.2-200mm. For shipbuilding companies, it is especially important to have marine grade aluminum alloy ship plates with superior corrosion resistance. 5083 aluminum plate belongs to the Al-Mg series alloy. It has a wide range of applications. It has good corrosion resistance, good weldability, high plasticity, good cold workability, and medium strength. Therefore, it is often used in the manufacture of aircraft fuel tanks and pipelines. , Ships and sheet metal parts of ships.

marine grade aluminium sheet

Marine grade aluminum plate is an important indicator to measure the comprehensive strength of aluminum processing enterprises. With the continuous improvement of aluminum plate production technology, Haomei Aluminum's shipbuilding aluminum plate production scale has gradually expanded, with a complete range of alloys. The marine grade aluminum plate 5083 and 5086 products have passed the certification of China Classification Society CCS and Det Norske Veritas DNV, and the quality is reliable. Marine grade aluminum plates are light weight, high strength, good corrosion resistance, easy to process, and play a huge role in automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, and rail transit. With the current vigorous development of lightweight development, the use of medium-thick aluminum plates in aluminum tankers and marine aluminum plates is increasing day by day, and there is huge room for development.


Marine grade aluminium sheet 5083 is one of the superior products of Haomei Aluminum, Haomei strictly controls the product process of 5083 aluminum plate. Through the determination of alloy composition, optimization of casting process, homogenization heat treatment and rolling process test, the product performance is equivalent to that of foreign materials, which meets the requirements of users, especially the increase of processing requirements of complex parts such as marine aluminum plate, rail transit, automobile, mold, etc.

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