Decorative color coated aluminum coils for curtain wall

Decorative color coated aluminum coils for curtain wall has many advantages.
1. Ultra weather resistance Super weather resistance, excellent corrosion resistance and stain resistance, can withstand extreme weather conditions, not affected by ultraviolet radiation and temperature, and the paint is not easy to fade, look fresh forever, keep high gloss, color stability, color changes are minimal. Polyester paint warranty for 10 years, fluorocarbon paint warranty for more than 20 years.
2. Light weight material The weight of decorative color coated aluminum coils for curtain wall is 40% less than that of other metal plates, and it is easy to handle and reduce cost.
3. Superior construction structure Easy to cut, dig groove, bend into the arc, right angle and other shapes, and with ordinary metal or wood processing tools, you can cooperate with designers to do a variety of modeling changes. decorative color coated aluminum coils for curtain wall 4. The uniformity of surface coating Because of its surface coating used roller coating technology, compared with other powder painting used in building materials, its surface coating is more uniform, and the thickness is easy to control to be the same.
5. A lot of colors and bright colorful The routine is available for 60 colors, and other colors can be adjusted. At the same time, it can produce mixed colors such as wood grain and hillock pattern. The selected coating types are fluorocarbon, polyester, acrylic acid and so on. Color coated aluminum coil has realistic physical texture, fresh natural beauty. Patterns can be done at random, giving customers more personalized choices, more beautiful enjoyment.
6. Advanced technology, high bending resistance High quality aluminum material, plastic and adhesive, advanced composite technology, in the four seasons climate conditions, wind pressure, temperature, humidity and other factors will not cause bending, deformation, expansion and so on.

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