The producing process of aluminum slugs

Aluminum slugs is one kind of competitive products of Haomei Aluminum, which has been welcome by many customers all over the world, for we have adopt high technology on the product process line, which of course ensure the quality. In recent years, we find that the demand of aluminum slugs had been increased, many friends show interest in this product and want to know more information about the aluminum slugs, it is our pleasure to tell my dear friends about the product process of aluminum slugs. aluminum slugs The whole process can be divided into 5 steps.
1.The first step is the settling and filting process, to heat the aluminum ingot to melt liquid metal in the electrolytic bath, the slag and oxide film can be removed from it, then settling for 40 min, the liquid metal will poured into filter casting bath.
2.Then is the casting process, after cooling in the mould, the liquid aluminum becomes fabrication, then feed them into the rolling mill line, they can be rolled to predetermined thickness, then wound them into roll strip.
3.The cutting process, the aluminum roll strip filled in the die cut stamp for cutting, the cutting slugs are collect into boxes. Then the aluminum slugs will be checked by the worker and sent to scrubbing annealing line.
4.The annealing process, now the slugs boxes are transfer to the annealing chain, Slugs go thorough the manifold of high-furnace with speed of 10 cm/min. After annealing, the slugs are in aging status in the refrigerator chamber.
5.The tumbling and mechanical process, the aluminum slugs are taken into the mechanical processing distributor, the rubbing process is taken when rotating in the drum, the burrs are removed and roughness is applied to the perform surface at the same time.

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